Phase 1: Eagle Education Program

Preparing New Orleanians to become financially stable and independent

Preparing for the 2024 year, we will have 3 workshops that focus on career readiness, financial stability and homeownership skills. Dates will be announced in Janaury 2024 and classes will be held on Saturday mornings starting in March through June! If interested in the program click here!

The educational program will encompass 12 weeks of training courses where participants will receive the tools needed to help prepare them to become financially stable and independent

Our training involves one on one coaching to help prepare them not only for job interviews but to secure a long-term job at the end of the program.  The goal of the program is for all participants to walk away with an individualized plan for growth themselves for one year which outlines key quarterly goals in all 3 areas: 1) Financial planning and budgeting 2) Career Readiness 3) Homeownership Skills

Quarterly Check-ins

Each quarter during the months of June, September, and December participants will have the opportunity to do a one on one check-in with Phoenix Project Nola. The goal will be to check in with participants and see where they are in their individualized plans and see what they may need assistance with as well as offer additional educational resources.

Interested In This Program?

The Eagle Education Program is our phase one program to get participants ready.  If you’re interested, please feel free to contact us!

Breakdown Of Our 12 Week Program

  • Learning the bases of financial planning for self
  • Obtaining a bank account 
  • Working with and learning what a monthly budget it 
  • Creating financial goals and determining the route to reach them


Deep dive into personal monthly financial goals, understanding and development of a monthly budget and personal tracking system, learning what are fixed expenses, income, emergency fund. Will also cover savings, college funds, and life insurance options

  • Participants will walk away having built out a resume
  • Determine the industry in which they desire to work in
  • Preparing for mock interviews


Participants will partake in a self assessment to identify their working styles to help them with their job search 

  • Building on individuals’ financial needs and career prep course this week will be designed around targeting companies and opportunities for long-term job placement 
    • Participants will learn how to research job openings, research organizations, and narrow down 3-5 open roles that they will then apply for 


  • Participants will use this week to apply for roles they have done research on 
  • Participate in mock interviews


Participants will have the opportunity to speak with leading employers and learn about their businesses and what they look for in employees

Participants will utilize their skills learned in week one and create a detailed year-long budget for themselves to start using

This session will focus on the basic needs to purchase a home and the review of different purchasing options, etc.

This session will have lenders speak with participants about different loan opportunities and help them to identify what would be the best fit for their needs and the steps they would need to take to prepare for homeownership within the year