
Propeller Entrepreneurs Talk Business: Water & Health

How does your business impact the physical or mental health of those served?

We propel women to success by providing them with the necessary resources to rise above any circumstance and reach their personal goals through education and tiny home ownership. As a Black native New Orleanian woman, I understand the landscape of homeownership here has changed since Katrina. I know the importance of resources and community around you. It’s important because we need a village, and when we band together, we all can succeed. More than just the tiny houses, the community is a crucial part of our work. The mental health and wellbeing issue that we see is that it’s hard to work during the day, to be a mother, and to function, if you don’t know where you’re sleeping at night. Having a home relieves the weight when there’s already so much other pressure. There are so many programs that help women get into home but not ones that show you how to keep a home, how to keep a career. We’re launching our educational component in 2023 and we’ll be providing one on one support to build their career and financial stability. We’re changing mental health by providing resources for their practical living situations. I have a degree in economics and an MBA, but it’s really my story and understanding of the experience of black mothers in New Orleans that drives this work. 

To Read The Full Story, See Propeller Entrepreneurs Talk Business: Water & Health

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